Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tattoo Laser Removal

Tattoo Laser Removal - 7 Facts You Must Know About Removing Tattoos by Lasertattoo laser removal

First of all, you should know that getting your tattoo removed by the Tattoo Laser Removal procedure is NOT an easy process. It is actually a lot easier to get a tattoo than to remove it!

Most people tend to opt for removing their unwanted tattoos by laser treatment. While this is a popular choice, you MUST be aware of the following 7 facts about the Tattoo Laser Removal procedure before you make your decision:

1) The side effects of the procedure may include redness, swelling, blistering, infection, loss of skin color, or scabbing.

2) The procedure is expensive. A tattoo that costs $50 to have it put on your body can cost up to $5000 to have removed by laser! 3) The hardest parts of the body to remove tattoos are hands, fingers and ankles.

4) The tattoo colors that respond well to the tattoo laser removal procedure are Black and Dark Blue. Yellow and Green are the toughest colors to remove.

5) Older tattoos with less color are easier to remove than newer ones. Also, professionally done tattoos are a lot harder to get rid of than homemade ones.

6) The procedure may NOT be effective on all kinds of tattoos. Especially on tattoos that are very big and cover a large part of your body.

7) It usually takes about 6 to 12 laser treatments to completely remove a tattoo. In addition to the above, the Tattoo Laser Removal procedure is definitely NOT recommended for people with serious health problems or severe skin conditions.

If you decide to get your tattoo removed, then you are not alone! It is estimated that nearly 20% of people with tattoos want them removed for personal or professional reasons.

In spite of the above mentioned facts, it is important to note that laser treatments for tattoo removal DO work in most cases, although the results vary from person to person depending on the tattoo.

But, the 2 main reasons why people choose NOT to go ahead with this procedure are Price and Pain!

Executive Summary about tattoo Laser Removal by Samuel Lincoln

Check out my other guide on Tattoo Removal

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Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Removal Cream - Does it Really Work?tattoo removal

If you have an artificial skin coloring that you no longer want, you could try a tattoo removal cream. These innovative products are much cheaper than the traditional methods of surgically taking away a skin coloring. In addition, there is no pain associated with these products.

People have as many different reasons for wanting to take a skin coloring off of their skin as they do for wanting to put a skin coloring on their bodies in the first place.

If you have a former lover's name pierced into your skin, you might want to try taking it off, particularly if that was a hard time in your life, if it was a particularly nasty break up, or you want to get a fresh start with a new love.

You might also want to use a tattoo removal cream to take off a skin coloring that is associated with a group that you now longer want to be associated with, such as a gang, or other organization with negative connotations.

Similarly, if you have something colored on your skin that is hate based or discriminatory or biased, and you have realized as you have matured, that you no longer support such images, you can have it removed with one of these proven products.

By Elton Brandon

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